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Our organisation

"Rega's purpose is to help people in distress and in need of assistance in accordance with the principles of the Red Cross, without discrimination on grounds of person, financial circumstances, social status, nationality, race, religious beliefs, or political opinions."

Article 2, Rega Foundation Regulations dated 2005

Non-profit foundation

Rega takes the form of an autonomous, privately run, non-profit foundation. With its 3,600,000 patrons, it is firmly rooted within the Swiss population. Rega operates independently of political interests and receives no subsidies from the State. The objectives and guiding principles relating to its activities are laid down it its Foundation Deed.


Foundation Board

Rega’s supreme organ is the Foundation Board, which lays down Rega’s strategy. The activities of the Foundation Board are determined by the Executive Committee. The members of the Medical Commission and the Finance Commission assist the Foundation Board with their specialist knowledge. The Advisory Committee comprises representatives of the various partner organisations and acts in an advisory capacity.

Michael Hobmeier

Chairman, Bäch
Curriculum vitae


Christian Kern

Vice-Chairman, Geneva
Curriculum vitae


Patrizia Pesenti

Executive Committee, Zollikon


Paul Hälg

Executive Committee, Wollerau


Josef Meier

Executive Committee, Wettingen


Heidi Hanselmann

Foundation Board, Walenstadt


Thomas P. Emmerich

Foundation Board, Riehen


Gabriele Casso

Foundation Board, Sorengo


Adrian Amstutz

Foundation Board, Schwanden


Franz Stämpfli

Foundation Board, Innertkirchen


Richard Brogle

Foundation Board, Kilchberg


Thomas Holderegger

Foundation Board, Waldstatt


Markus Furrer

Foundation Board, Felsberg


Petra Gössi

Foundation Board, Küssnacht am Rigi


Thomas von Wyl

Foundation Board, Unterseen


Michael Hobmeier, Bäch, Chairman
Christian Kern, Geneva
Patrizia Pesenti, Zollikon
​​​​​​​Paul Hälg, Wollerau
Josef Meier, Wettingen

Christian Kern, Prof. Dr. med., CHUV Lausanne, Chairman
Gabriele Casso, Prof. Dr. med., Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino 
Markus Furrer, Prof. Dr. med., Grisons cantonal hospital
Thomas von Wyl, Dr. med., Interlaken hospital

Josef Meier, Wettingen, Chairman
Michael Hobmeier, Bäch
Paul Hälg, Wollerau


Franz Stämpfli, member Rega Foundation Board, Chairman
Thomas P. Emmerich, member Rega Foundation Board
Stefan Goerre, Dr. med., Swiss Alpine Rescue representative
Stephan Zeller, representative, Canton Valais
Andy Scheurer, representative, Speleo-Secours
Markus Denzler, representative, police commanders
Marc Ziegler, representative, Swiss Cable Cars Association
Sibylle Frey, representative, Swiss Air Force
Roman Burkart, representative, Medical Emergency Call Center 144
Renato Belloli, representative, Swiss Helicopter Association (SHA)
Daniel Weisskopf, representative, Swiss Fire Brigade Coordination (FKS)   

Management Board

The Management Board is charged with the day-to-day management of the organisation. It implements Rega’s strategy and determines the measures that are necessary to meets its objectives. The members of the Management Board lay down the organisational structure and ensure that the legal provisions are complied with.


Ernst Kohler

Chairman of the Management Board


Prof. Roland Albrecht

Medical Director
Member of the Management Board


Andreas Lüthi

Chief Financial Officer
Member of the Management Board


Daniel Landert

Head of Jet Operations
Member of the Management Board


Heinz Leibundgut

Head of Helicopter Procedures and Training
Member of the Management Board


David Müller

Head of Communication and Patronage
Member of the Management Board


Philipp Simmen

Head of Helicopter Operations
Member of the Management Board

Our employees

Find out more about our crews in operation, as well as about all the people who pull the strings in the background and who play an equally important role in enabling us to carry out our daily work.

Active involvement and partnerships

Thanks to the support of our patrons, we are able to provide our services to people in distress and to the Swiss population around the clock. Our values and actions, as well as our deeply-rooted support among the general public, are based on the principle of solidarity. Through our voluntary commitments, we want to give something in return, particularly to young people. Therefore, in collaboration with our partners, we support a variety of activities in the youth sector.


Rega supports sports activities for children and young people within the framework of the Jugend+Sport promotion programme run by the Swiss Federal Office of Sport FOSPO.  

Those taking part in a J+S-approved event, such as camps and courses for children and young people, are deemed to be Rega patrons for the duration of the activity. This means that any rescue missions carried out on behalf of J+S participants are treated financially in the same way as with regular Rega patrons. 

All J+S coaches and leaders can register participants solely via the J+S database, Nationale Datenbank Sport (NDS), and transmit this data to Rega before the start of the event.

Pro Juventute

For almost 40 years, Pro Juventute has been organising or supporting supervised holiday activities for children and young people. In order to further promote this idea, since 2010 Pro Juventute has enabled activity organisers to offer numerous Holiday Passes throughout Switzerland via its “Feriennet” booking platform. Rega supports the activities published on the Pro Juventute Feriennet: participants who attend a Holiday Pass activity and are registered with Rega are deemed to be Rega patrons for the duration of the activity. This means that any rescue missions carried out on behalf of persons taking part in a J+S Holiday Pass activity are treated financially in the same way as with regular Rega patrons.

Samariter Schweiz

In 2021, Rega and Samariter Schweiz launched the programme, “Retten ist KLASSE – Erste Hilfe an Schulen”. The programme, which is available in German, French and Italian, is free of charge and is aimed at teachers as well as schoolchildren aged 12 and over. Its objective is to raise awareness among schoolchildren about the subject of first aid, to teach them basic first aid and to motivate them to take action. The programme comprises an eBook and three teaching units each lasting around 45 minutes, which teachers can implement independently with their classes

Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne  

The Swiss Museum of Transport and Rega enjoy a long-standing partnership, which has given rise to the interactive exhibition, “Medical Help from the Air”, providing fascinating and amazing insights into Rega’s everyday work. The exhibition, which covers an area of 300 square metres, focuses on the fascination with Rega. Experience at close quarters “Rega 8” taking off, guide a rescue helicopter in to land in the downwash simulator and take a look around the Operations Center, the heart of Rega. Furthermore, in the helicopter simulator you can get a real feeling of what it is like to fly. 

The Museum of Transport and Rega look forward to your visit.

Zurich Airport 

Experience at close quarters the fascination of flying. Observation Decks B and E at Zurich Airport provide exciting insights into the airport activities and will keep visitors of all ages entertained. With a little luck, you might even see one of Rega’s three ambulance jets take off or land.

Swiss Red Cross 

The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) was founded in 1866 in Berne and is the national Red Cross society in Switzerland. The SRC comprises 24 cantonal associations along with four rescue organisations, two institutions and the SRC headquarters. Rega is a partner organisation of the SRC.


The majority of Rega’s complex rescue activities are financed by means of donations and patronage contributions. Rega is therefore obliged to use these funds within the framework of the foundation’s purpose – air rescue. For this reason, it does not generally engage in sponsorship activities.