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The Rega Center at Zurich Airport is built


14 July During a rescue mission in the Vaud Alps, a strong gust of wind blows the Alouette HB-XHY against the side of the mountain as it is landing. The machine is totally destroyed; fortunately, however, nobody is hurt.

13 August: The Bölkow 105 XGY helicopter crashes in the Knonaueramt region during a training flight. One person is injured, the machine is totally destroyed.


14 August: The new Uri helicopter base, a purpose-built construction with a distinct architectural style, is officially inaugurated during a small ceremony in Erstfeld.

20 October: The new Rega base at Berne-Belp Airport is completed and inaugurated.


14/15 August: During its Open Day, the crew of the Untervaz helicopter base puts the first of the fifteen new Agusta A-109-K2 helicopters, bearing the registration number HB-XWB, into operation.

19 August: Rega carries out its 100,000th repatriation mission; on this occasion it transports a seriously injured motorist from Tunis to Geneva on behalf of the Swiss Touring Club.



16 February: During a ferry-flight from the Gsteigwiler base to Kloten, the Agusta A-109 XWE crashes into Lake Zug near Buonas, killing the pilot.

5 July: The Foundation Board decides to build a Rega Center at Zurich-Kloten Airport.

8 September: During an attempt to recover an injured cow on the Bargis Alp above Flims, the Alouette HB-XRC crashes from a low altitude, injuring the pilot.

16 September: The Alouette HB-XFF is totally destroyed during an unsuccessful landing manoeuvre high above Niederriet on Lake Brienz. All three passengers remain uninjured.


On 20 March, Fredy Wissel passes away in St. Moritz, aged almost 90 years. During his lifetime, Wissel had taken part in hundreds of rescue operations and supply flights and had received numerous awards for his services.


14 November: Anne Ormond-Ronca, representing the Swiss Red Cross, is the first woman to be appointed to Rega’s Foundation Board.



11 June: For the first time in its 44-year history, Rega carries out a mission that takes it all the way round the world. The flight with additional crew members on board (two captains, two co-pilots, a doctor and a flight nurse) takes 43 hours. The Canadair Challenger CL 601 transports three patients; on its journey back to Switzerland it stops over in Muscat, Bangkok, Khabarovsk, Anchorage, Reading, Faro and Valencia.


9 May: Rega moves its head office from Mainaustrasse in the city of Zurich to the Rega Center at Zurich Airport.

The four-digit emergency number, 1414, is adopted for calling out the air-rescue services in Switzerland.

31 July: During a rescue operation carried out by the Lausanne helicopter base in Veyges, near Leysin, canton Vaud, both the physician and the patient are killed when the rescue hoist cable breaks.


15 July: During a mission near Lodrino, canton Ticino, the helicopter HB-XWE comes into contact with a cable, and crashes. The pilot dies the following day as a result of his injuries.

15 August: The new Graubünden base in Untervaz is officially opened. Rega is a tenant of Air Grischa.

11 November: The Chairman of the Foundation Board, Peter J. Bär, dies of a heart attack. He had been closely involved with Rega for some 30 years and had served as Chairman of the Foundation Board since 3 December 1980. He is succeeded by Vice-Chairman, Kurt Bolliger.


3 September: The Lausanne helicopter base celebrates its 20th anniversary.